Nanomist® Technology - Misstie

All Misstie devices are empowered with Nanomist® Technology. This technology combines laws of non-quantum and quantum physics and mechanics and basic chemistry. Microscope-level droplets of liquids slowly drip onto the Nanomist® metal plate, which conducts low-level electricity and releases liquid nanoparticles into air. This way, liquid is transformed into cool steam, while temperature of the liquid remains low and enables you to safely use Misstie to sanitize surfaces.



One of the best ways to use Misstie as a sanitizer is to pour 70% Rubbing Alcohol into a 30ml container and apply steam for couple of second. This way you can easily clean nooks and crannies that are normally out of your reach, such as insides of AC car ventilation outputs. You can also use it on your keyboard, keychain sets, earbuds, etc.


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